Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tried And Tested Herbal Remedy For Throat Pain, Swelling And Inflammation

Tried And Tested Herbal Remedy For Throat Pain, Swelling And Inflammation

Toot Siyah  (Morus Nigra) Syrup (Black mulberry)


Morus nigra (Rub Toot Siyah)      100 g (dry)

Sugar                                                  1Kg

Lemon juice                                      1/2 teaspoon

Water                                                  500 ml


Thoroughly wash toot siyah with water.

Now take 500 ml water and soak toot siyah for overnight.

In the morning boil with water, then cool and rub. Add sugar and lemon juice and cook on medium flame  for 4-5 boils. then cool and filter through muslin cloth and fill in bottle.


This syrup in effective in swelling and pain of throat.

It relief congestion, effective for inflamation and pain of throat. Improves thyroid function, pitch of voice. Effective in diphthria, laryngitis, antiphlogistic for pharyngeal ailments.


1-2 teaspoon trice a day